Backyard Goats... the basics!

  Bring your rubber boots and appropriate weather gear to get a glimpse into the “how-to” of raising goats. We will be feeding and watering goats, doing a healthy goat check, cleaning pens, mixing the grains for the evening feeding, followed perhaps by milking goats and trimming hooves. With morning chores done we will sit down to a hot cup of farmers blrnf coffee and launch into some of the tips, tricks, pitfalls, rewards, fellowship and fun of raising goats!

Instructor's Bio: Tina

Event Properties

Event date: 10-05-2013 9:00 am
Event End Date: 10-05-2013 11:00 am
Capacity 6
Registered 0
Cut off date 10-04-2013
Class Price $25.00
Location Hathaway Rd.
We are no longer accepting registration for this event