Making Clothes by Hand... Beginning Knitting: Hats & Mittens
This is a workshop for beginning knitters! We will jump right in with you deciding to start with a stocking cap or mittens. Conversation will also include some of the ends and outs of spinning your own yarn and pros and cons of different spinning wheels.
Materials you need to bring to this workshop include: knitting needles and yarn (cotton is good, but wool yarn is better!).
Instructor's Bio: Linda
Event Properties
Event date: | 10-10-2013 7:00 pm |
Event End Date: | 10-10-2013 9:00 pm |
Capacity | 10 |
Registered | 0 |
Cut off date | 06-10-2013 |
Class Price | $15.00 |
Location | Camas First Christian Church |
We are no longer accepting registration for this event