Starting soon a 12-week at 6pm on Sundays: "You, The US Constitution, & The Bible" held at First Christian Church 404 NE 6th Ave., Camas WA 98607
Other Workshops coming up include:
Basics of Reloading; Get Home Bags, Go Bags, & 72-Hour Bags: What & Why; AR-15's: A Useful Tool with Accessories; Dutch Oven Cooking: Hands on; Handgun for Beginners & Handgun Safety; The Basics of Canning
Please remember to visit our Workshop Calendar for specific workshop details, as well as for additional workshops that are always being added through out the year.

My journey To Preparedeness
Thoughts from the Homestead
It has been below freezing for about three weeks now at the farm. It is amazing how much more work it creates when you haven’t prepared properly. I did not have time to install the new watering system for the rabbits this summer so now we have to change the water bottles twice a day due to freezing. The water to the barn is off for the winter because we have two hose faucets that have yet to be winterized. One is now leaking because of our first week of 19 degree weather. I did manage to get heat lamps over the chicken and duck water buckets, now we only have to refresh the water and not thaw it out every morning.
I think the biggest thing I noticed this year is the challenge created by power outages. The power has only gone out twice so far but we have just started the season. It has been several years since our winters have been bad, let alone as harsh as when we were young. I think this is what has made me lackadaisical in my winter preps. There is a big lesson to take from this; it is easy to become comfortable because we are so blessed with an easy life. When a disaster strikes we are not as prepared as we should be. The solution to the new challenge becomes more difficult than it ought to be and sometimes causes (excuse the pun) a snowball effect that can turn dangerous.
The comfort of water from a well, heat from the heat pump, food from the grocery store and information from the internet can all come to a halt in the blink of an eye. I am not referring to the zombie apocalypse; I am just talking about a little snow and freezing rain. Get a little wind and now you have multiple downed trees that knock out the power. The icy roads make it impossible for the crews to get to the lines or for us to get to the stores to pick up groceries. Stories from back east about week-long power outages seemed far away only a few weeks ago, then yesterday when perusing the local NOAA forecast I read this current ice event could lead to power outages that could take several days to restore. With the average temperature in America at 11 degrees and according to surveys I’ve read people only keeping three days of food in the cupboard, I see a disaster waiting to happen.
Why does the average person not prepare? Is it laziness? Is it lack of knowledge? I don’t know your reason. I’m sure it’s different for everyone. Mine was that I was too busy. Now I’m suffering because I did not have a plan and therefore am not prepared for a bad winter. I told myself “I have time” and “I will get to it next weekend”. I hope you don’t make the same mistake. Fortunately we have been preparing for more than several years so this scenario is not disastrous, just inconvenient. What about you? Do you have a week’s worth of food or more, a way to cook, or even just get a drink of water and flush the toilet?
Rural and urban living are different in many ways but the same challenge arises if the power goes out and the only heat you have is an electric furnace. What do you do if a pipe freezes and you can’t get to the shutoff? If you plan ahead you don’t have to worry; you just utilize your plan and solve the problem. So, if your current weather is making travel difficult or giving you some unscheduled time off, while you are stuck at home is the time to start your plan. Then, when the weather lets up, implement your plan. Next time the storm may not be as forgiving.
Growing More in Less Space
Aquaponics It Grows More Than Just Food
By: Kate Wildrick, Co-Founder Ingenuity Innovation Center

The growing trend of aquaponics is sweeping backyards and small farms across America. In this symbiotic ecosystem, plants, fish and microbes work together to create healthy, chemical free results. Best of all, it uses a fraction of the resources conventional agriculture uses. For example, in aquaponics there is only a 10% water loss versus 95%. In addition, plants can mature up to 50% faster than conventional growing because they have access to a rich bank of bio-available nutrients and minerals that are often missing from soil. The results are amazing. Super nutrient dense, chemical and pesticide free plants and fish make it a very attractive option to those seeking sustainable and healthy food options. Aquaponics can be done anywhere. From small apartments to commercial farms, these systems can scale to meet the desired need and purpose.
Aquaponics provides a unique way for people to participate and learn about our food system. This natural, closed-loop system enables people of all ages and backgrounds to engage with fish, plants and microbes while helping develop an awareness around where our food comes from along with the challenges and opportunities that exist within our food system. Policies, regulation, waste, climate change, funding, transportation and economics become an natural part of the discussion and thus open the doors for new ways to work with aquaponics as a form of innovation.
One of the wonderful advantages of aquaponics is that it can be done year round. Many Community Supported Agriculture (CSA’s) farms are recognizing the benefits in that they are able to extend out growing season by offering their customers premium quality fish and produce in the off season that their traditional farming is not producing. Not only does it bring in additional income by selling what they raise, but it serves as a unique way to engage with their customers to learn about the food system and participate in other community building activities (such as farm to table events) and offer training and education which also helps support these farms when the rest of the farm is not producing.
In addition to CSA’s, many community centers, non profits and schools are also recognizing the huge benefits to teaching people how to grow aquaponically. Systems can be built using re/upcylced materials and can fit any budget. In addition, given the huge amount of interest, many of these organizations are also recognizing how aquaponics can also serve as a sustainable fundraising tool.
Ingenuity Innovation Center is excited to participate in bringing aquaponics to the Columbia River Gorge. As a community-supported innovation center, we are best known for our regional, national and international work in aquaponics as a sustainable food solution and community builder. Classes, workshops and events coming soon. For more information, please visit www.youringenuity.com.

Focusing on Quality
I like to be wise with my resources and I want the best quality for the time and money I invest...
Consider a Great Addition to Your Handgun

Having done some research and watched several you tube videos, I obtained a Mech Tech CCU conversion for my Glock 17. Mech Tech units can convert your Glock, 1911 based pistol, or Springfield XD into a carbine. The conversion takes just a few seconds and is just plain fun to shoot! Since it is only the upper, and relies on the receiver of the pistol, it is considered an accessory and there’s no need to go through an FFL to purchase one.
Once I had an opportunity to handle and fire this very well made (in USA) product, GorgePrep has become a dealer for Mech Tech. In an informal test fire, I installed a Bushnell red/green dot site (available from GorgePrep for $95.00 plus tax and shipping) on it, and at roughly 40 yards, once sighted-in, all five rounds were touching each other. The Bushnell sight is very economical (compared to an EO TECH or Aimpoint unit costing $500 or more) but functions well…especially in this application. Recoil was virtually non-existent and functioning was flawless.
List price on the basic units is in the $450.00 range. GorgePrep price will beat MSRP. Shipping and sales tax are additional. You can visit the Mech Tech website at www.mechtechsys.com There are also a host of informative you tube videos describing the CCU and its performance. They all seem to find it built like a tank and with excellent workmanship and reliability. The February 2017 issue of The American Rifleman has a review of the Mech Tech units on page 84-85 you might find informative. Look for upcoming reviews of ATN nightvision, FLIR thermal rifle scopes, and Yankee Hill Machine Phantom S Suppressor, Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph and other quality products. Dave