Herbs and Dutch Oven Skills

1. I find a new idea or skill.
2. I will research the topic.
3. Study it.
4. Practice it.
5. Use it.
6. Teach to others.
I enjoy sharing what I have learned and always in search of new adventures and things to intrigue new interests in my life.
I have been teaching classes since 1995 in Boy/Girl Scouts, 4-H, American Legion, Grange, Community Park & Recreation, American Red Cross.
Community Classes I have taught: First Aid & CPR - Emergency Responder - Babysitting Program - All types of Handcraft Classes- Cooking Classes & Food Preservation – Water Gardening & Pond Building- Outdoor Adventure Skills- Animal Husbandry- (Poultry & Small Animals)- Herbs(growing, cooking & Natural Remedies)