Watch for article in the Camas Post Record!

on Saturday, 03 August 2013. has been busy this summer talking to hundreds of folks about the importance of “being prepared.” Disaster comes in all sizes and degrees of difficulty, from unexpectedly losing one’s job to your car breaking down, to your road home becoming impassable to losing all you have to an earthquake or forest fire. Challenges and disasters are part of everyone’s lives, but we can make those unexpected situations better by preparing our loved ones and ourselves for challenging times.

Are you ready? While we have added some new workshops to our fall calendar we have at the same time been able to hold the line on inflation—keeping the costs of workshops the same or lower, and even adding a couple of free “MeetUps.”

“Dark, wet, cold” always makes things seem more difficult. So come take a workshop or two while the weather is still great, so when “dark, wet, cold” arrives on your unexpected “disaster” you are ready to successfully lead your family through those trying times!

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