It’s Movie Night at!
Join for the just released movie, “The Book of Daniel.” This beautifully filmed movie follows the Prophet Daniel as he lives his life honoring God while being taken prisoner to live in service of the most powerful king the world had ever seen.
All are invited to this free movie (we do suggest a donation of 2 cans of food which will be donated to local food banks) which will be shown at the First Christian Church, 404 NE 6th Ave., Camas WA 98607, on Sunday, October 6. The movie will begin at 6pm in the basement of the second building (entrance is from the west side mid block on Cedar St.). Popcorn will be provided, but everyone is encouraged to bring enough extras of your favorite movie snacks to share!
See YOU at the movies!
This is a free movie
First "Are YOU ready?" Preparedness Expo was a Success!
"Are YOU ready?" Preparedness Expo 2013 was a success!
On Saturday, September 14, the gateway to the Columbia River Gorge was wide open! Skies were brilliant blue, the air temperature was in the mid-to-upper 80’s, the breeze along the river kept things comfortable, and the views from Marina Park were picture perfect with Mt. Hood to the east and a river full of fisherman working to take home some fall Chinook.
Meanwhile, in the Port of Camas-Washougal’s Marina Park and Parker’s Landing Historical Park, more than 35 preparedness experts were on hand to share information and answer questions on many of the issues related to “personal preparedness” in the northwest. Topics ranged from getting your self and your family mentally and spiritually prepared for disasters, to the function behind remote control quad-copters, convenient ways to store enough drinkable water, to which plants in our backyard are edible, to reasons why miniature turkeys might be part of your “living prepared” lifestyle.
By day’s end approximately 200 to 250 people had attended the first "Are YOU ready?" Preparedness Expo 2013, at Marina Park & Parker’s Landing Historical Park. Sponsored by, plans are already underway to host an even larger personal preparedness expo on Saturday, Sept. 13, 2014
2013 Participant Preparedness Experts were: American Red Cross, Backyard Bees, Backyard Chickens, Boy Scouts of America, Boy Scout Troop 314—Washougal Washington, Coffee & Beans, Dutch Oven Cooking, East County Fire & Rescue —Station 91, Farmers Insurance-Luke Shanahan, Firewise, Gardening in the Gorge, Gorge Preparedness—, Ham Radios, LJC Feedstore, Long-term food Storage,, Skamania County Emergency Management, Region IV-Public Health, US Geological Service, Water, WSU Master Food Preservers, and WSU Master Gardeners.
"Why Should Moms Prepare?" Come find out at the “Are YOU ready?” Preparedness Expo
"Why Should Moms Prepare?"
Come find out at the “Are YOU ready?” Preparedness Expo
Sat. Sept. 14th 10am to 4pm,
Port of Camas-Washougal, Washington’s Marina Park
(Hwy. 14, exit 14—10 min. east of the Washington side of the I-205 Bridge)
Preparedness Mamas and blogger enthusiasts ( Shelle and Tyra share their passion for preparedness at the Saturday, September 14th “Are YOU ready?” Preparedness Expo. So make plans NOW to COME ask the experts how you can prepare your family for the big and small disasters in life (admission for the Expo is free but a donation of 2 cans of food or $2 is encouraged which will go to help local food banks). gurus will be hosting a number of “mini-workshops” at the “Are YOU ready?” Preparedness Expo to take the scared out of being prepared and provide women with reliable, realistic and practical information about emergency preparedness, self-reliance, and everyday life – without the hype! mini workshops schedule at the Expo:
10:30am - Emergency Entertainment Kits: Boredom can be just as destructive as the disaster, are you equipped to combat it? Learn about a “must have” companion for your survival bags.
11:30am - 5 Home Remedies for Cold and Flu Season: It's upon us already, but are you prepared? Learn about 5 simple to make home remedies to help kick those germs and strengthen your immune system.
12:30pm - Educating Kids About Disasters: Education and preparation are the two keys to psychological preparedness. Learn how to make a scary subject fun and engaging to increase your children's resilience.
1:30pm - DIY Emergency Heater: Don't get left in the cold during winter storms and power outages. Learn how to make a simple heater with an amazing capacity and shelf life.
2:30pm - Mason Jar Soil Test: A simple science experiment can tell you all you need to know about your garden soil so you know what amendments you need to add for a great gardening season.
3:30pm - Butter in a Jar: Family fun meets preparedness skills in this hands on butter making experience.
Also remember to look for more in-depth workshops by gurus at
Red berries, huge mushrooms, succulent roots... Safe to eat? Come learn from the expert!
Red Berries, huge mushrooms, succulent root... Safe to eat? Come learn from the expert!
Join us Sunday, September 15, 2013, 2-4pm at the First Christian Church, (404 NE 6th Ave, Camas, WA 98607) for a free"Edible Wild Plants — Wild Foods From Dirt to Plate" Slide Presentation & Lecture by Author, Dr. John Kallas!
Dr. Kallas will help us learn how to identify, harvest and prepare the nutritious, delicious, and abundant edible wild plants found within walking distance of our kitchens. So make plans today to join us on Sun., Sept. 15 for this informative workshop! See YOU there! is hosting "Are YOU ready?" Preparedness Expo Sat., Sept 14
Watch for article in the Camas Post Record! has been busy this summer talking to hundreds of folks about the importance of “being prepared.” Disaster comes in all sizes and degrees of difficulty, from unexpectedly losing one’s job to your car breaking down, to your road home becoming impassable to losing all you have to an earthquake or forest fire. Challenges and disasters are part of everyone’s lives, but we can make those unexpected situations better by preparing our loved ones and ourselves for challenging times.
Are you ready? While we have added some new workshops to our fall calendar we have at the same time been able to hold the line on inflation—keeping the costs of workshops the same or lower, and even adding a couple of free “MeetUps.”
“Dark, wet, cold” always makes things seem more difficult. So come take a workshop or two while the weather is still great, so when “dark, wet, cold” arrives on your unexpected “disaster” you are ready to successfully lead your family through those trying times! NOW Hosts 2 "MeetUps" Every Week!
The second Meetup will be starting the first Sunday in July--a 10 week forum "Learning to Live with Confidence in a Chaotic World."
This is a weekly Meet-up for "learning the keys to live with calm assurance in the face of pandemonium: answers for living with confidence, faith, joy and peace." Produced by Turning Point Ministries, and facilitated by "Mark" this is a 10-week DVD study & discussion series. The Meet-up runs from 6 to 8pm, with everyone invited to the 5pm potluck.
You can find's meetups and RSVP at:
See You soon!
Incredibly Delicious Food is now On-line! is now "eating!!!" & selling THRIVE freeze dried food. This food is so delicious and reasonably priced, that we have made it a part of our everyday cooking!!! The THRIVE cookbook has lots of great recipes and we love the "zero waste," just cooking what we need! Check THRIVE out on our webpage "" under the Mercantile tab!
Great Class Coming Up on Gardening for Self-Sufficiency!
Urban Garden Class… offered by Gorge Grown Food Network (; 541-490-6420)
Date: June 1, 2013 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Location: Mosier (Class meets at 1150 State Rd, Mosier)
Course ID: CED0400-14
Tuition: $99 Fees: $0
As the saying goes, teach a man to fish and he eats for life. This workshop provides students with hands-on skills in growing enough food to feed a family of four for a year, including soil types, amending soils, composting, seed and plant choices, pollination, water collection and irrigation, weed control and mulching, crop rotation and pest control, extending seasons, harvest methods, seed saving, barn yard foods (chicken eggs, goats milk & cheese), milk pasteurization, and cheese making. Garden site plan includes miniature livestock yard, and vegetable storage for year-round food production. Optional visits throughout the growing and harvesting season included in fee. Class meets outdoors at local working garden. Bring a lunch and dress for cold weather.